My Bulawayo sat down with talented fashion designer, who specialises in designing African attires, She makes male and female attires that defne the african culture , her designs represent Africans in Africa. Sandra Josephine Mwatsika shares her journey in the fashion industry. My Bulawayo (MB) Sandra Designs (SD)
MB. Who is Sandra Josephine Mwatsika?
SD. Sandra is a fshion designer, owns a clothing label Sandy designs, I specialise in making African attires, for men and women. I was born on the 4th of February 1978, I love creativity , I love creating something new.
MB. When did designing start?
SD. It all began after I finished Advanced level , i fell in love with creating my own fashion trends, I never felt proud to wear someone’s else designs and creativity, and I saw a gap in the fashion industry of my creativity, If you look at the african attires i make they are quite different from the ones we are accustomed to, with my designs one can wear them for a wedding, for a party, church and its normaly worn by people in the formal sector. I make a variety of attires tailore made to suit your character and they mkae you feel proud to be an African.
MB. Why African attires?
SD. Simple because I am an African, I love my continent, I love my culture and hence African attires define who we are as the people as the continent.
MB. What inspired you to venture into Designing?
SD. I just loved it, and as i said i never loved the attires made by other designers, they are just attires but mine are different from the rest.
MB.Who is your target market?
SD. I make attires for the young children, to adults for young children when am using my own material prices range from $10 and for adults prices range around $20 -$50 depending on the material that I would have used. I target the foraml sector because most of my attires can fit for office wear and people love them.
MB. How long has been the business running?
SD. I was employed and I left to start my designing business and its been for a while doing this and The response from the peple is overwhelming. People love my work and have worked with a number of people dressing them and My work is received well in Zimbabwe.
MB. What can you say to people of this city concerning your designs?
SD. my attires are different from others, they are unique, they represent you in every sphere or circle you might be, they stand out and I design according to what you want as the customer.There is value for your money with Sandy Designs.
MB. how long does it take to make one attire, like shirt in a day?
SD. In One hour I can make one in a day I can go as far as 15, I work with someone. I do the designing cutting, and they help me in the making of the attire. Currently I have employed one person to help me with that.
MB. Is there money in designing in this country?
SD. absolutely there is money , the secret in designing is making best outfits so that people may love your work and continue to vouch for you to other people, My work is good and this is shown by the overwhelming response from people whom i have made the attires for in the past.
MB. where are you based ?
SD. I was based in Harare, and most of my customers are in Harare, I just moved in Bulawayo to expand my business and Bulawayo is a great city, full of people with the vibe and I believe it will be a great place to introduce my designers and let the people from this city be the judge of my work.
MB. Any challenges you have faced or continue to face?
SD. the main challenge may be the issue of clients, not paying on time, delaying payments also slows down the business and the motivation to continue working hard , again when customers do not pay in time it will result in lack of funds to buy rawmaterials and this affecting progress of the business.
MB. any exhibitions you have done?
SD. not really but Will be attending the fashion summer event on the 14th of February and hoping to mingle with some of the fashion designers from this city and newtorking with people and I will be dressing Velocity Records Artists RaysnChris for a photoshoot and am happy to be associated with such a bigger recording company.
MB.How are you contacted if one wants to make an African attire?
SD. my phone number is 0773 379 069
MB. Thank you so much for your time, it was nice talking to you all the best.
SD. thank you so much as well.