
My Bulawayo team had the opportunity to sit down with a success coach, author and a  motivational speaker who has featured in many online publications and radios , televisions. He is a seasoned author of many motivational books including inspiration for success, Jonah Nyoni.

In the following interview (MB) My Bulawayo and (JN) Jonah Nyoni

MB.Tell us about yourself .JN .I am a Bulawayo grown writer who specialises in writing motivational books , I do motivational talks for companies, schools and several organisations within the country and out of the country. MB What inspired you to fall in love with writing

JN. I started writing when I was young and my family background might have inspired it all for me to see a gap and realising my dream and my talent. MB.Tell us about your family background .JN. When I grew up my family was actually known as the poor of the poorest , people would laugh at my family hence when I grew I wanted to revenge that life we lived and be the man I am today.

MB.On that note tell us about your education and your family I went to Bezha secondary to do my studies in the rural setup I am married to Zodwa my siblings also grew up in that poor set up but all are intelligent and have worked their way to stardom. MB. In spite the difficulties In the country what keeps you going?Being grounded and knowing what you want in life, my background inspired me and I always want to leave a better life as compared to that way I grew life inspires me, when I leave this earth I want to be the first Jonah Nyoni ever to be.


MB.Do you take yourself as a preacher or your motivations are inspired spiritually? JN. Definitely am not a preacher but God has called me to be a success coach. MB. How do you balance between writing, traveling and to be a family man? JN. My family understands a lot and believe in what I do, my wife is supportive and I always find time for my family in between all that. MB.Is there money in writing?  JN. Yes there is money. The problem with people want to seat down instead of standing up and take that what they want.

I always make a demonstrations on my presentations every time,I hold one of my books and ask people if they want it, I ask several times then no one dares to come and take the book from me, so is life people sit down and complain instead of standing up taking what they want.

MB.Do you take writing as a business? JN. Recently I was the master of ceremony at a mega fest I sold 30 books per night hence people need to cultivate a nature of reading but writing can be a business, I have traveled to many countries, soon I will be going to Malawi . MB. Are you involved in any social responsibility?Yes soon I will be going to Malawi to meet and speak to the students I will be giving out my books there and I usually go to my former school and do talks even hand out some of my books.


MB.How have you used social media to your advantage to reach out to the readers? JN I normally use facebook and whatsapp to my advantage and it has been helping as many people are now into social media , I sold many books to Morocco through social media

MB.Thank you for your time.

JN. It’s always a pleasure.



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