The Rotaract Club of Belmont in partnership with Well of Hope have identified 181 children who live without shoes every single day. These children walk between 5 – 15km to school every single day – without shoes. The children, range from Grade 0 to A-Level. They are Orphans and Vulnerable Children who live in the poor communities of Tsholotsho, Phakamani, Mbembesi, Plumtree, Rangemore, Pumula, Kensington and Nkulumane. To choose to celebrate One Day Without Shoes means choosing to go one day without shoes so that you can experience a fraction of a fraction of what these children go through. Your bare feet will spark conversation and raise awareness of the problem. A few pieces of leather and rubber really can change a life for the best. This 23rdday of October 2015 is barefoot day. Celebrate One Day Without Shoes with us by going barefoot, partnering with us and giving school shoes or funds that will purchase school shoes for the cause.

JOIN US on 23 October 2015 by spending ONE DAY Without Shoes wherever you are and DONATING to those without!

For detailed information on how you can give please contact: 0775373303.0779487787.0775039920


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