This is a charity that offers support to the elderly people impacted by the economic hardships. Goods and proceeds collected are distributed to selected people in their private homes and to the retirement home, they also have a feeding scheme for the elderly and orphaned in Pelandaba. Homes supported by the Bulawayo Help Network are :- BARTLEY BLOCK; BARBARA BURRELL: SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND; CORONATION COTTAGES; ENTEMBENI; EKUPHUMULENI; EDITH DULY NURSING HOME; GARDEN PARK TRUST; MOTH KINGHAVEN; SALVATION ARMY RALSTEIN HOME; RHODES JUBILEE COTTAGES; QUEEN MARY HOUSE
130A Jason Moyo
Tel : 09-67085
Email : byohelp@netconnect.co.zw
It’s a non-profit organization whose objectives to provide accommodation for elderly blind people to provide recreation and rehabilitation to elderly blind people
Sarah Bain Avenue
, Ilanda
, Bulawayo
Tel : 09-242540
Email : josborne@yl.com
Established in 1959, the Home is open to persons of all ages who are in need of assisted living and nursing care, this includes Alzheimer’s and dementia; stroke and accident victims as well as persons who are incapable of caring for themselves for whatever reason. It remains Bulawayo’s only registered private Nursing Home and it is a subscribed member of AHFOZ whereby residents on certain medical aid covers enjoy some return on fees.
Most of the elderly remaining in Zimbabwe lost their life savings and pensions and now rely on family, friends and charity organisations for their existence. Although “dollarisation” stabilised the economy, it has presented an entirely new set of problems. Utility bills remain very high, especially electricity, and ongoing National Employment Council wage reviews have a crippling effect. Concurrently, we are concerned that increasing fees to sustainable levels would place our facility beyond the reach of most fee payers. As a result, the Home has created various care options including Low Care, General Care, High Care, Convalescent and Day Care (Monday to Friday) in and endeavour meet all needs
However, donor assistance remains our life line. Without this we would not be able to maintain the standards expected of the facility and the adequate care of its residents.
Queens Road
North End
Tel : 09-65769 / 09-203022 / 09-205825 / 09-205769
Email : edithduly@netconnect.co.zw
The Bulawayo Island Hospice aims to provide support, quality care and counseling to persons who are terminally ill or suffering from life threatening illnesses and to their immediate families by meeting the physical, psychological, social and spiritual expectations of patients, clients and families. Bereavement support and counseling is provided where needed in the community without discrimination.
2 George Silundika / Masotsha Ndlovu
Tel : 09-77972 /62212
Email : hospicebyo@gatorzw.com
Savyon Lodge is a home for older Jewish people in Bulawayo. Residents have their own private rooms, receive three meals a day and care is provided by trained nurses and care givers. Although food and medicines are becoming more available, prices remain exorbitant due to the high foreign currency costs required to import goods. Receiving no government subsidy, the home is funded entirely by residents’ charges, investments and donations from the local community and abroad, including WJR. Conditions in Zimbabwe necessitate regular trips over the border to stock up on locally unavailable food and medical supplies. They have the amazing support of an organisation known as ChaiSouthAfrica which supports old-age homes in Southern Africa. They have not only provided generous support but have offered themselves as a conduit for donations to Savyon.
To find out more please click on the link below:-
http:// www.zjc.org.il/showpage.php?pageid=284
How to contribute to Savyon Lodge : http:// www.zjc.org.il/showpage.php?pageid=286
Tel : 09-70618
S.O.A.P. Bulawayo supply to some of the pensioners in the following homes: Coronation Cottages, Garden Park Boarding House, Moths complex and Kinghaven in Esigodini. They also supply to people living in homes, cottages or in domestic quarters in and around Bulawayo. These houses are mostly derelict with broken window panes, leaking roofs and broken strip flooring. Two of the homes in the suburbs house three families each.
Volunteer’s co-ordinate the sourcing, packing and delivery of the parcels. Each parcel costs US$90.00 and 130 pensioners are supplied with food parcels a month.